College Student Self Storage
If you’re college-bound, graduating, or leaving for summer, you probably have a lot of stuff coming with you. It’s amazing how in just a couple of semesters clutter can build to an all-time high. Instead of getting rid of things year after year and buying new, consider your other options.
Self storage is an ideal solution for any scenario. Units come in a variety of sizes and can be easily rented online or over the phone, making it a practical solution for college students. Plus, with a variety of amenities and locations across the globe, you’ve got options.
Useful Features of Storage Units for College Students

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FAQs About Storage For Students:
How to store College Dorm Stuff During The Summer?
Thats's an easy answer. StorageMart and Manhattan Mini Storage have locations near your campus with great options for summer storage. With month-to-month leases, you can store for your summer break and never be locked into a long term contract.
How to Rent a Student Storage Unit?
Booking high-quality self storage is easier than you think. Our storage experts are ready to answer your questions 24/7 on our customer support line, and our easy-to-use self storage calculator can help you determine how much space you’ll want. Look for a facility near your campus and rent a storage unit online today for the best price.
Where Can I find a Student Discounts on a Storage Unit?
Our lowest rates and best discounts are available when you rent your unit online. Prices and promotions may vary by location and student discounted units sell out quickly so renting early is a good idea.

Help Me Pick the Right Student Storage Size
Most college students can get by with one of our signature storage closets. They’re designed for storing all the extra things your dorm doesn’t have space for, like sports equipment, spare bedding, and seasonal clothing. If that doesn’t sound like enough space, a small 5x10 storage unit can store all the things you don’t need when you go home. Your futon, mini-fridge, and air fryer will be waiting for you next year.
Top University Self Storage Locations
University of Georgia
University of Brighton
University of Sussex
University of Missouri
Stephens College
University of East Anglia
The New School
Fordham University
PACE University
Manhattan School of Music
Barnard College
SVA NYC School of Visual Arts
Hunter University
Baruch College
Storage Tips for Students
Get the most of your college experience with these self storage tips for students.