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Community Partner Spotlight: Coyote Hill Christian Children’s Home

Coyote Hill, A Safe Place to be a Child

Parents and caregivers agree that stability is one of the most important factors when raising a child. Unfortunately, in many cases parents are unable to provide this much-needed element and although there are state systems in place to re-locate children and siblings into new homes, there are often delays and gaps in care for many who come with special needs.

Larry & Cathy McDaniel recognized this need and in 1991 created Coyote Hill, a home dedicated to providing these children with a safe and loving environment while foster homes and adoptions are facilitated in Mid-Missouri. We had a chance to talk with Kelly Myers, Development Director at Coyote Hill, about their mission and an upcoming event.

The Mission

“I believe every child deserves a safe and loving environment to grow up in and many of the children who come to Coyote Hill have not had this. Our mission is to provide a professional, yet traditional home environment for abused and neglected children.”  Over the years they have grown to include five homes and many host parents and contributors that help continue the mission of providing every child with a safe place to grow up.

10th Annual Coyote Hill Golf Tournament

For 10 years, the staff at Coyote Hill has partnered with local businesses and individuals to raise funds that go directly to funding childcare through a golf tournament. “At Coyote Hill, we cannot end the cycles of abuse on our own. It takes our community partnering with us.” We’ve been a proud sponsor of the event for the past 3 years and look forward to continuing our partnership for this great event and cause.

The community support translates into real results for children staying at Coyote Hill. “Support from individuals and organizations mean the children in our care are part of a functional family, receive the therapy services they need, and are ensured a safe and healthy place to grow, learn, laugh and love.” Although the team spots have already filled up (they go quick!) they are still searching for additional sponsors for the event which takes place on May 8th at the Columbia Country Club.

Real World Experience Helps Store it Forward

Beyond sponsoring the golf tournament, StorageMart has been actively involved in helping Coyote Hill carry their mission through childhood as those in the facility grow up and dive head first into the real world. Providing education on how rental leases work is an important step in learning about what it takes to live on your own in an apartment.

We’d like to thank Coyote Hill for their hard work improving the lives of so many children, and Kelly for taking the time to speak with us about this incredible mission. We’re proud to have them as a partner. “Seeing the love and commitment that Coyote Hill has for the children in our care and the difference it is making in the life of each child is the reason I come to work every day.”