When you stay at a hotel, you expect it to be clean. You are not only temporarily living in this space, you’re using it to store your most essential possessions. Similarly, when you rent or purchase a self-storage unit, you are trusting that designated space to accommodate and maintain your personal possessions. This is where StorageMart’s cleaning initiative comes in. Our StorageMart brand guarantees simplicity, optimum service, and a professional level of cleanliness.
StorageMart’s president, Cris Burnam, takes great pride in the fact that our facilities consistently provide a bright, spotless space for residential and commercial storage. “We clean because we care,” Jesika P., StorageMart manager 701 said. “I treat the facility like my house– and I have a clean house!” Jesika has been a StorageMart employee for just two years and maintains 602 clean storage units. She is one out of hundreds of employees who share Cris’s pride in upkeeping the company’s clean initiative.
We Have High Standards
In order to keep our high standards of cleanliness well-observed, Cris, and also, Kathy Winkelman, StorageMart’s Vice President of Sales and Operations, established the “White Glove Test.” In this test, 300 white gloves are sent out to the regional managers of various StorageMart facilities across North America. The managers are then instructed to put on the glove and wipe down each storage unit; if there is any dust or residue on the glove, the unit does not pass the test. The managers who pass the test receive a pin and the winners of these pins are announced the last week of the month at their corporate retreat.
Cris and Kathy are just as hands-on as the rest of our employees, and they also take the time to perform these tests themselves. It’s often rare to see company presidents and vice presidents willing to participate in these routine tasks, but that’s how important cleanliness is to StorageMart; it’s valued by everyone, every day, at all levels of employment. The results of our cleanliness initiative speak for themselves, “Even our competition tells us that we are cleaner than they are.” Jarman G., StorageMart manager 1750, said.
Cleanliness is Important
A clean space is important to anyone renting a storage unit. Whether items are essential, sentimental, or financially valuable, it’s important that they are kept clean and undamaged until they are eventually taken out of storage. “When people see how we care for our building, they know how we’ll care about their things.” Michael R., StorageMart manager 0129, said.
We believe that a clean storage unit is a happy storage unit, and a happy storage unit will ultimately result in a happy, satisfied customer.