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Spooky Halloween Decorations for Inside and Outside

Are you ready for a scary statistic?

Spending on Halloween is expected to reach about $9 billion this year, according to the National Retail Federation. That breaks down to about $87 per consumer on spooky Halloween decorations.

And it’s no wonder. This is the one time of year that we can embrace our inner ghouls—and forget about what looks tasteful or nice in our homes. Black candles? Check. A skull centerpiece? Absolutely! Cobwebs in the chandelier? Yes, please—and you even get bonus points if they’re real.

Whether you like to craft your own spooky Halloween decorations or just want to click and buy, here are a few options sure to add spook to your space.

Finding the Scariest Halloween Decorations Ever

Just to be clear, we’re not talking about pumpkins or autumn wreaths. This isn’t about the harvest, folks. It’s about scaring the wits out of your family and friends. Here are a few of our ghastliest finds—for both inside and outside your house.

Spooky Halloween Decorations for Inside

If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to be spooky, all you need is one terrifying word, some red paint and loved ones who have seen or read “The Shining” by Stephen King. For the most impact, do your work in the middle of the night so that the rest of the house wakes up to “REDRUM.”

If you’re crafty, there’s no end to the fun you can have. Make a haunted terrarium with your kids, give inexpensive white plates a creepy makeover, or even make a giant tissue paper spider.

Spooky Halloween Decorations for Outside

These DIY floating ghosts will last up to a week, so they’ll be around to creep out both trick-or-treaters and the UPS guy—which is a nice bonus.

You can always go old school when crafting spooky Halloween decorations for outside, and hang a bunch of cobwebs and string orange lights. A pair of witch legs sticking out of the ground never hurt anyone either.

It goes without saying, we hope, that your pumpkin won’t have some goofy smile on its face. Here’s a template for an orb with some attitude.

Have a bit more money in the budget? This animated brewing witch trio might just make your the scariest house on the block.

A Scary Story from StorageMart

There’s good scary—and then there’s bad scary. Bad scary is when you have so much fun decorating for the holidays that your house is an overstuffed mess the rest of the year.

Happily, there’s a solution. At StorageMart, you can rent a unit as small as 25 square feet or so—or up to the size of a garage if you’re really into holiday decorating. Our self storage units can be rented on a month-by-month basis and are always well lit and cobweb free. Need more info? Check out our storage unit guide or rent a unit online today.