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COVID Vaccine Employee Bonus. Plus a Call on the Industry to Step Up.

It’s hard to remember a time when we weren’t battling COVID-19. The virus has impacted our lives, our families, our work, our activities, and our freedoms.

The responsibility is ours to do what we can to help stop the virus. Now we have a safe and effective tool to help us do that – vaccines.

It takes everyone.

Today, we asked our team to join us in protecting our communities by getting vaccinated. Getting vaccinated adds another layer of protection for our employees, our coworkers, our customers, our families and loved ones.

$100 bonus opportunity.

Health is priceless, but we aren’t just encouraging our team. We’re incentivizing them. StorageMart is paying a $100 incentive to all U.S. employees who are fully vaccinated by October 31, 2021.

“Stopping the virus takes everyone and the vaccine is a safe and effective tool to help us do that. The COVID-19 vaccine is now widely available, and we want to encourage everyone who can get it to do so.” said Cris Burnam, CEO at StorageMart.

We challenge the self storage industry to step up!

The storage industry adapted quickly to the COVID-19 pandemic. As in many other industries, technology advancements were made in record time to provide contactless rentals. Self storage continued to be the safe haven and space for other essential businesses and community services from non-profits to fire departments and healthcare professionals, in addition to countless families who were impacted by the pandemic.

Most importantly, the fight isn’t over.

We at StorageMart challenge our industry peers to incentivize COVID-19 vaccination among all of our employees.

“Our essential employees carried our industry through a tough time. I challenge every self-storage operator to follow suit and incentivize their teams to become fully vaccinated against this virus,” challenged Burnam.

If you have questions visit the CDS’s COVID-19 page.