In addition to our national charity partners, StorageMart donates storage to charities across three countries through our Store it Forward initiative. I’m always excited to take a break to get to know the charities we work with on a local level, and with Dr. Suess’ birthday right around the corner, it seemed like a good time to say hi to Literacy Connection, a charity partner at our location on Griffin Road in Ft. Lauderdale.
SM: How long has your organization been around?
LC: Literacy Connection, Inc. was an award-winning school-based program before establishing as a nonprofit May 2, 2014. Five years prior to establishing, Dr. Tia Major and her team of professionals researched ways to get immigrant parents involved in the academic careers of their children.
SM: What motivated you to start your organization?
LC: “We rise by lifting others.”
Serving an immigrant population for more than 24 years helped me to experience first-hand the challenges families face with navigating their child’s academic journey. The need to increase literacy levels globally, nationally and locally is great. I wanted to use my gifts to develop initiatives to address the need holistically.
SM: What is the goal of your organization?
LC: Literacy Connection, Inc. is committed to raising literacy levels through programs events and resources. We seek to empower parents and families through collaborative initiatives that engage them in trainings and provide them with resources that encourage meaningful involvement in the academic careers of their children. Moreover, we provide extending learning opportunities for elementary aged children designed to close the education and enrichment gap.
Our program services include:
- OPERATION: R.E.A.D. Literacy Bus
- OPERATION: R.E.A.D. Summer Camp
- OPERATION: R.E.A.D. Afterschool Tutoring Program
- Parent and Family Workshops
- Community Outreach Events/Activities
- Educational Consulting
- BookNooks Around the World
Special Events and Activities
- MLK A Day On, Not a Day Off (Community Service)
- Literacy Week
- Black History Month
- Suess’s Birthday
- National Financial Literacy Month
- National Literacy Month
- National Family Literacy Month
- Twas’ the Night Before Christmas Reading Marathon
SM: What is something about your organization that many people either don’t understand or have misconceptions about?
LC: We take a holistic approach to raising literacy levels. The essence of our organization caters to families first. We believe that to order to properly address literacy challenges in are community we must start with the family.
SM: Since its creation, what kind of results or progress have you seen in the community?
LC: Literacy Connection program services has made a substantive effect on learning communities. Schools experienced strengthened home-school-community partnerships. Students increased skills and talents through enriched curricula and extracurricular experience. Parents engaged in shared experiences and connections with other families creating feelings of support and empowerment.
- Distributed over 12,000 books
- Engaged more than 2500 families
- Over 100 sponsors supporting our initiatives
- 150 plus volunteers
2019 Summer Camp Outcomes
- 85% of the students attended camp 85% of the time as evidenced by attendance records.
- 80% of the students maintained grade level learning in reading and math as evidenced by summer assessments, teacher observation and participation.
SM: What are you most proud of?
LC: We are proud of the impact we have made on the world!
We are proud of our partners, sponsors, donors and volunteers who believe in our mission
We are proud of all the families for choosing LC to engage in programs that raise literacy levels for their children.
SM: Is there a big initiative your organization is currently working on you want the public to know about?
LC: Yes …
- OPERATION: R.E.A.D. Literacy Bus
- Afterschool Tutoring Program
- OPERATION: R.E.A.D. Summer Camp
SM: What are some ways people can get involved?
LC: Community members and partners can donate time (volunteerism), talents (gifts that are aligned with organizational goals and objectives) and resources (cash or in-kind donations).
SM: What is the best place(s) for people to find your organization online?
LC:FACEBOOK: Literacy Connection, Inc.| Instagram: literacyconnection
SM: Is there anything else not included in the questions above that you’d like to share with us?
LC: Yes. Literacy Connection, Inc. has made a substantive impact on our community. Moreover, we have been implementing our programs services in various community locations. While we will continue to provide some services in community spaces, we really need a building; our own space to call our home. This space will allow us to expand our reach and make a greater impact on the world.
Our call to action is for our community members and partners to assist us with securing a building.