Famed Peter Max Corvette Collection Finally Leaves Car Storage
The very idea haunts most classic car lovers and collectors. Thirty-six Corvettes, one from each year starting with the model’s rare 1953 debut through 1989, sitting in a warehouse doing nothing...
Free Moving Truck Rental With Lombard Self Storage Rental
Moving will never be easy, but planning ahead can help make it easier. Unless you’ve recruited a small fleet of pickup trucks, one thing you’ll need to arrange for is a moving truck. Well, if you...
4 Tips for Increasing Creativity in the Workplace
In business, it’s important to constantly be on your toes. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial as you iterate new strategies or refocus old efforts. No matter what market you’re in, you can bet...
3 Steps for Removing Clutter From Your Home
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: You get home from work after a long day. Exhausted, you hurriedly change into sweatpants and plop down to veg out for the evening — only to discover...
What “Corporate Social Responsibility” Means to You
We’re really big on community here at StorageMart. With locations throughout the U.S. and Canada, “corporate social responsibility,” or a business becoming involved in the local...